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Our company Abacus Viva Lettings has worked with Paul for over 4 years. That long association continues because of Pauls highly professional approach and the pursuit of excellence he strives for in helping his customers. He is very reliable and we have lost count of the amount of times he has gone out of his way to help us out.  Highly qualified he is able to draw on his vast experience to solve a variety of issues in quick time and within budget. In short, thoroughly recommended and we look forward to many more years of having the good fortune to work with him.



Graham McKee BA Joint Hons, LLDip Law

Mobile: 0779 404 9160
Tel: 0121 212 2399
Web: www.abacusviva.com

49 Kings Court Plaza Townsend Way,
Birmingham West Midlands B1 2RT
Reg: 7544933